To be a smart and saavy entrepreneur who is also warm, kind, doesn't give up, and is down to earth.
The purpose of this site is to share marketing and branding tools and advice with the entrepreneurial community in the spirit of aloha. After consulting clients 1-on-1 for since 2008, I am developing ways to bring my services to those who can't afford or don't need individual consulting.

Why: #1
Entrepreneurs have chosen one of the most exciting and challenging ways make a living. Whenever I hear "She Go" by HIRIE I'm reminded of this, and also of how important it is to keep a positive attitude, help one another, and keep moving in a good direction.
"You still the boss girl, no fancy clothes
Working that hustle cuz that's what you know
Weed out the bad vibes it's time to roll
Oh, she go"
HIRIE sounds sweet but she's singing some true words
Like it? Download her music here.

Why: #2
I defer to the wise words of others to speak on the topic of aloha. Please find a few passages and links below that I found meaningful.
"Aloha is being a part of all and all being a part of me."
Tales from the Night Rainbow, By Pali Jae Lee and Koko Willis
Read the book on Scribd
The Hawaiian Law of "Aloha Spirit"
"In 1986, Hawai‘i lawmakers passed the “Aloha Spirit” law (Hawai‘i Revised Statutes, section 5-7.5), which recognizes the aloha spirit “as the working philosophy of native Hawaiians . . . presented as a gift to the people of Hawai‘i.” The late Aunty Pilahi Paki wrote the law because she foresaw a twenty-first-century world in deep strife that would look to Hawai‘i for healing. Aloha would be its remedy."
“Aloha—It’s the Law" by Teri Freitas Gorman published in Maui Magazine
[§5-7.5] "Aloha Spirit". (a) "Aloha Spirit" is the coordination of mind and heart within each person. It brings each person to the self. Each person must think and emote good feelings to others. In the contemplation and presence of the life force, "Aloha", the following unuhi laula loa may be used:
"Akahai", meaning kindness to be expressed with tenderness;
"Lokahi", meaning unity, to be expressed with harmony;
"Oluolu", meaning agreeable, to be expressed with pleasantness;
"Haahaa", meaning humility, to be expressed with modesty;
"Ahonui", meaning patience, to be expressed with perseverance.
These are traits of character that express the charm, warmth and sincerity of Hawaii's people. It was the working philosophy of native Hawaiians and was presented as a gift to the people of Hawaii. "Aloha" is more than a word of greeting or farewell or a salutation. "Aloha" means mutual regard and affection and extends warmth in caring with no obligation in return. "Aloha" is the essence of relationships in which each person is important to every other person for collective existence. "Aloha" means to hear what is not said, to see what cannot be seen and to know the unknowable."
Hawai'i Revised Statutes, section 5-7.5
This law was written by Aunty Pilahi Paki. Watch a short video about her.
Why: #3
For years I've been mulling over the question of, “How can I provide services to support my entrepreneurial community in a way that is affordable and accessible?”
Hustle With Aloha was born when I was living in Hawai'i. What is appreciated on the mainland, is not necessarily what is needed on the islands - in terms of service offering, approach, attitude, and more. I wanted to combine the hustle and drive that had been so important to my success in the past, with the welcoming, respectful, and grateful essence of the aloha spirit that is key to life in Hawai'i.
Believe it or not, my subconscious came up with the name Hustle with Aloha in a dream. Half awake laying in bed, I saw myself sketching out the name Hustle With Aloha in a cursive font. As I meditated on the name it also started to help guide me to see what this endeavor could be. What would it mean to Hustle with Aloha?
Over the past 16+ years in business as a brand strategy, marketing, and design consultant, I’ve developed processes and tools that I keep going back to for some common needs of my clients. I used to think that maybe these things would one day be put into a book, but maybe there was some way to share them now - without waiting so long. Perhaps there was a way to share them digitally so that they could provide help right away, and entrepreneurs could pick and choose what they needed from a a library or resources, or recorded workshops / talks.
Between doing consulting work for clients, I’ve been sketching, writing notes when they come to me, and asking friends for feedback on the idea. I’m not sure what exactly this whole thing will become, but I’m starting to see that as I go along, it’s telling me what it needs to be. I’m starting to get the feeling that I’m just here to make it happen - along for the ride so to speak. I hope you’ll join me and find something of value here. :-)

As a business owner, you offer something of value. Marketing is the strategy for how you find people who could benefit from what you offer, and tell them about how you can help. Branding helps you say the right thing, to the right people, in the right way, at the right time.

This is a project by Alicia Nagel, a brand strategist, marketing consultant, and graphic designer living in Florida. I work with a variety of clients including luxury brands like In-Symmetry Day Spa in San Francisco, locally beloved non-profits like Kona Brewers Festival in Hawai'i, and emerging brands like Black Rock Pizza. Marketing and tech firms also hire me to provide marketing and branding consulting for their clients - anything from brand strategy to logo design, website strategy to copywriting, etc. I also work with start-ups to help them pitch to investors, get their brand up and running, and get a killer web presence. You can learn more about what I do at www.alicianagel.com or view my professional background on LinkedIn.
I plan to share what I know but also include advice from some of my smart entrepreneurial and marketing friends. By helping each other, we help ourselves, which strengthens our community. If you would like to contribute please contact me.
Right now all this is being created! Would you like to get an update when a new tool, workshop, or event is added? Please provide me with your email address and I'd be happy to let you know. I promise not to spam you or share your email address with anyone else.
Right now all this is being created! Would you like to get an update when a new tool, workshop, or event is added? Please provide me with your email address and I'd be happy to let you know. I promise not to spam you or share your email address with anyone else.
Right now all this is being created and new stuff will be added as the site grows! Would you like to get an update when a new tool, workshop, or event is added? Please provide me with your email address via this form and I'd be happy to let you know. I promise not to spam you or share your email address with anyone else.